
Test case Document: Roster feature

Project name: Sipher Odyssey

Client version: 1.0.x xxxx

Test Case ID Test Objectives Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result Tester
1 Test the display of Roster screen 1. Launch the game
  1. Go to the Home screen
  2. Tap on Roster icon on the left of bottom bar
  3. Check the display of Roster screen | Roster screen should display with the layout as design:
  1. Check the function after tapping | All subraces owned by the user should display in the list according to the Filter setting order. | Passed/Failed | | | 3 | Test the function of the Neko List | 1. From Roster screen, tap on Neko icon
  2. Check the function after tapping | All Neko vessels owned by the user should display in the list according to the Filter setting order. | Passed/Failed | | | 4 | Test if the order of Neko is incorrect when switching Filter option | 1. From the Roster screen, tap on Filter icon and select All Tier to apply
  3. Tap on Neko icon to display all Neko vessels
  4. Tap on Filter icon and change from “Tier” to “Power score”
  5. Tap on Neko icon to check the order of Neko vessels | The order to display Neko vessels should work correctly based on the new setting. | Passed/Failed | | | 5 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |